Letra In Elegance de Architects

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Take your time to find me,
I can't promise where i'll be,
These nights I feel so restless,
Tonight I feel useless.

Take your time to find me,
I can't promise where i'll be,
These nights I feel so restless,
Tonight i'm useless!

Blaming myself for every wrong move I should've thought this through,
Before I pulled you down with me,
Motionless I lay,
When your words could save me from this situation.

I've been lying here for what it seems like days,
And it was my mistake from the start.

Take your time to find me,
I can't promise where i'll be,
It was my mistake from the start.

Take your time to find me,
I can't promise where i'll be,
It was my mistake from the start.

Motionless I lay with no words to save me.
Staring blankly into concerned eyes.
I needed the right words to become commendable.
I needed the right words but I just can't find them, I just can't find them.

I'll spend years making you believe I was just a bad dream, just a bad dream.

And it was my mistake from the start.
I've been lying here for what seems like days.

Take your time to find me,
I can't promise where i'll be.
It was my mistake from the start.

Take your time to find me,
I can't promise where i'll be.
It was my mistake from the start.

I'm determined to find a way out.
To disconnect myself from you again.
How can I? How shall I? My one chance, all to you.
How can I feel like I shattered my...oh...tonight?

I'll spend years making you believe that I was only a bad dream.
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I'm determined to find a way out.
To disconnect myself from you again.
How can I? How shall I? My one chance, all to you.
How can I feel like I shattered my, one chance tonight?