Letra Getaway de The Music

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What's it like up there
Do you worry anymore
How's it feel up there
So much left to say
If I could tell your thoughts right now
It would never be the same
Wait till I am by your side
Then the meaning will come true

You're love will find a better way
Everybody wants you to know
You're love will find a better way
Everybody, everybody wants to know
You're love will find a betterway
Everybody wants you to know
You're love will find a betterway
Everybody, everybody wants to know

We are nearly there
Do you get to see the love
Can you understand my thoughts
Seeing as no-one else here can
When you see the light
Does your pain just disappear
Will i ever feel your love
Once again my dear

You're love will find a better way
Everybody wants you to know
You're love will find a better way
Everybody, everybody wants to know
You're love will find a better way
Everybody wants you to know
You're love will find a better way
Everybody, everybody wants to know

What's it like up there
How's it feel up there
What's it like up there
How's it feel up there

You're love will find a better way
Everybody wants you to know
You're love will find a better way
Everybody, everybody wants to know
You're love will find a better way
Everybody wants you to know
You're love will find a better way
Everybody, everybody wants to know
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
You're love will find a better way
Everybody wants you to know
You're love will find a better way
Everybody, everybody wants to know
You're love will find a better way
Everybody wants you to know
You're love will find a better way
Everybody, everybody wants to know