Letra Open your mind de The Music

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

I thought life was supposed to be
A lesson in itself
But each day I find it so much harder
Believe in what you feel inside
Cos there´s no wrong and there´s no right
Everyday I find it so much harder

What do you see when you close your eyes
How do you feel when you sleep at night
Maybe it´s time you opened up your mind

Open your mind
Maybe it´s time
Open your mind
Maybe it´s time

So many times I´ve tried to find
A reason to this life
But every day I find it so much harder

What do you see when you close your eyes
How do you feel when you sleep at night
Maybe it´s time you opened up your mind

How can I leave my past behind
How do I live the days gone by
Maybe it´s time I opened up my mind

Open your mind
Maybe it´s time
Open your mind
Maybe it´s time

What do you see when you close your eyes
How do you feel when you sleep at night
Maybe it´s time you opened up your eyes

Open your mind
Maybe it´s time
Open your mind
Maybe it´s time
Open your mind
Open your mind
Open your mind
Open your mind