Letra Let Me Break de Emigrate

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I would live for you
And break my heart in two
I would give for you
Like only fools would do
I would hear you out
And tell you all I could
I would take your doubts
And show you what I should

Let me break
Let me break you down
For your sake
I will break you down

I would try for you
Try to walk you through
I would fight for you
To prove that I am true

Let me break
Let me break you down
For your sake
I will break you down
Break, break down x2

I would use for you
Alleviate your pain
I would lose for you
Again and again
Let me break, for your sake

Let me break
Let me break you down
For your sake
I will break you down
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Let me break
Let me break you down
For your sake
I will break you down
Break, break down
Break, break down