Letra Otherworld de Emigrate

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Go now, if you want it. An other world awaits you.
Don't you give up on it. You bite the hand that feeds you.

All alone cold fields you wander,
Memories of it cloud your sight.
Fills your dreams, disturbs your slumber,
Lost your way a fallen knight.

Hold now, aim is steady. An other world awaits you.
One thousand years - you ready? The other world it takes you.

Go, go into the sand and the dust and the sky,
Go now, no better plan than to do or to die.
Free me, pray to the faith in the face of the light
Feed me, fill me with sin, now get ready to fight
You know you will,
You know you will.
You know you know you know you know that you will,
You know you know you know you know that you will.
You know you will.

Fight fight fight
Fight fight fight
Fight fight fight
Fight fight fight
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
Hope dies and you wander. The other world it makes you.
Dreams they rip asunder. The other world it hates you.
Free now, ride up on it. Up to the heights it takes you.
Go now if you want it. An other world awaits you.