Letra Wake Up de Emigrate

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Wake up!

We're lost, your mind was on the road
Your call, maybe it's time to go
Claim back what is mine
Seems like I'm losing time
Take in the rules of game
Sinkin' and time to make it change

Wake up!

And now I see what they never saw before (You gotta wake up baby)
And now I feel what they've never felt before (You gotta wake up baby)

Wake up!

I wait, but can you see what's wrong?
Like you I fell into the problem
Had faith in everything to pay
I don't believe what you say

Turn it, turn it all around
Learn it starting from the ground

Wake up!
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
And now I see what they never saw before (You gotta wake up baby)
And now I feel what they never felt before (You gotta wake up baby)
And now I stay where I've never stayed before (You gotta wake up baby)
And now I've come where I've never went before (So wake up, wake up baby)