Letra Bury My Lovely de October Project

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Cover the mirror Hide in your dreams
Forget what they told you Forget what it means
A picture worth a thousand lies
The mem'ry and the mirror
Nothing but what came before
Nothing but a closing door

A picture worth a thousand lies
A thousand words A thousand eyes
Bury my lovely Hide in your room
Bury my lovely Forget me soon
Forget me Forget me now Forget me not

Cover the madness Cover the fear
No one will ever Know you were here
A figure in the hallway light
Returning like a ghost
Something that was left behind
Something in a child's mind

A picture worth a thousand lies
A thousand words A thousand eyes
Bury my lovely Hide in your room
Bury my lovely Forget me soon
Forget me Forget me now Forget me not

Bury my lovely
Bury the lies
Bury me under
A thousand good-byes
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
A shadow from another time
Is waiting in the night
Something happened long ago
Something that will not let