Letra Return To Me de October Project

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Puntaje: 4,00/5. Total votos: 3

You rise like a wave in the ocean
And you fall gently back
To the sea
Now I want to know how to hold you
Return to me
Return to me

You shine like the moon over water
And you darken the sky when you leave
Now I want to know how to keep you
Return to me
Return to me
Turn to me
Return to me

Everything I tell you has been spoken
And everything I say was said before
But everything I feel is for the first time
And everything I feel I feel for you

I am here calling the wind
I am here calling your name
I am here calling you back
Return to me
Return to me

I know what it means to be lonely
And I know what it means to be free
Now I want to know how to love you
Return to me
Return to me
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I am here calling the wind
I am here calling your name
I am here calling you back
Return to me
Return to me