Letra Falling Farther In de October Project

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

Take me past this lonely truth
And let me go beyond my skin
The walls that held me here before
Have no purpose anymore
Let me enter in

Break me from my injured past
And take me over in you arms
The pain that guided me before
Has no comfort anymore
Let me enter in

From far away
I hear my mother crying
The sky is gray
The say the earth is dying
I hear her voice
And still I make a choice to say

I leave a life behind me
I feel myself begin
I?m reaching out to keep you
Falling farther in

Wake me with your dark embrace
And make me open in your arms
I wan to lose myself within
Leave the person I have been
Let me enter?

From far away
I hear my mother crying
I hear her voice
And still I make a choice to say

I leave a life behind me?
Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
October Project - Falling Farther In