Letra Wall Of Silence de October Project

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Puntaje: 5,00/5. Total votos: 1

I´ve seen that life
Touches us with pain
And we change
Becoming strangers to our friends
Tell me what happens along the way

I thought of us
Hard to talk these days
Did we change
Or were we strangers all along
Tell me what caused us to turn away

There´s a wall of silence
Miles across
A wall between us
Holding back
Holding back our loss

I moved ahead
Thinking you´d be there
But it changed
And now we´re strangers to our past
How did I lose you along the way

Tomado de AlbumCancionYLetra.com
I´ve seen that life
Touches us with pain
And we change
Becoming strangers to ourselves
Tell me what happens along the way
How did I lose you along the way